
bytavi2I met with two employees of a faith-based nonprofit called the Center for Global Impact (CGI) today. They are a faith-based nonprofit that is doing amazing work to connect advocacy and action. Through their programs, they are providing vocational training and support to women in Cambodia that need it. However, they are also using these microenterprises to raise awareness about global poverty and how we can help allieviate it among children and American citizens.

ByTavi is a program of the Center for Global Impact. Essentially, it teaches women in Cambodiabytavi3 how to make beautiful accessories. Then, ByTavi sells these products for the women. This gives the women a stable income source and a markatable skill. By selling the products in the U.S., it also helps to educate people here about the issues currently creating situations for women in Cambodia that would make it otherwise difficult to have an income. By doing this, CGI is cultivating activists to further the work that they and others are doing around the globe to end absolute poverty.

There are two ways that you can help this wonderful program, and I wanted to share them with you as this week’s suggestion of how you can change the world.

  • Buy

bytavi1The beautiful accessories made by the women who participate in the ByTavi program are available for purchase online! By purchasing a purse, wallet, sports bag, or Tshirt, you are empowering women to earn a living wage. Not to mention, some of these bags are seriously cute. They are having a sale right now and I might try to get some things for future gifts for people.

  • Become a representative

If you love the work that CGI is doing through ByTavi, why not take your support one step further? Becoming a representative of ByTavi is so easy. It is similar to something like selling Mary Kay makeup or Thirty One bags, only it costs you nothing, you don’t make a profit, and you are helping women out of poverty. Start out by doing a trunk show, where they send you enough products for a one time event or party, and then if you like it, you can keep coming back for more! It is a great and easy way to make a difference.

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